Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Adjusting to School Life

Hello all.  I feel like I am finally getting a routine down with school.  I have a consistent schedule, study pattern, and a exercise schedule.   I am in my 4th week of classes and I feel like I have finally adjusted... or at least I hope I have!  Even though adjusting back to school life has been interesting, I can tell you that I AM LOVING MY CLASSES!  I truely do love learning, especially about the human body.  (NERD ALERT, NERD ALERT)  The best part of our classes so far has been the labs.  We are currently learning the steps of the physical assessment, have already learned about ostomies, chest tubes, wound vacs, and today was nasogastric tubes. 
The other class I am really enjoying is Pathophysiology.  I am having to do a lot of review in this class to refresh my memory on Human Anatomy concepts, since I took human anatomy during the summer of 2006, but I enjoy the review and I love being able to apply what we learn in Patho to what we see in lab.
So now that you know that I am alive and that classes are going well, I want to share some typical moments with you...
 Here is what my evenings usually look like.  Studying for upcoming assessments, quizzes or exams. 
And here is my friend, the gecko... At least I think it is a gecko because he looks like the animal selling car insurance on the commercials.  At first I didn't know what to think of this little creature when I found him next to my door but then I heard that they eat cockroaches so instantaneously I decided that we could be friends. (Even if the roaches here are bigger than this little guy).   Speaking of roaches, you all will be happy to know that my apartment has been roach free for the past 2 weeks.  I think it is largely due to the fact that my dad and Jon did such a wonderful job sealing up my doors and I spray weekly.  
I also want to share with you goals that I have set for myself while I am here, but I will get to those in my next post.  So stay tuned!

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