Sunday, October 28, 2012


Jon is officially in basic training and doing well.  Missing him has turned out to be harder than I expected.  The past couple weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions.  We went from being with each other one day to having no communication for 2 weeks.  The transition has been interesting and I know it has taken a toll on me.  The past couple weeks I have found myself irritable and agitated at things that would usually brush off my shoulders.  My patience has been minimal and I have had many feelings of loneliness.  I don't think I realized how much I communicated with Jon in a normal day and how much I would miss that communication when it was taken away.  I find myself getting distracted easily and when my mind wanders it seems to always end at him.  I find myself wondering what he is doing and if he is enjoying surviving training.  It sometimes seems silly that I would be struggling with not communicating with him for two weeks because we will have to make it through a lot longer than two weeks apart. 

There have been a few perks, though.  I have been writing him letters as I wait for his mailing address and last week I got my first 2 minute phone call!  It wasn't long enough but at least I got to hear from him.  Plus, since Jon is prior military he has gotten a few extra perks in basic training - he was given back his cell phone recently!  He can't call on it during training but I do get a text or two in the evenings when he has a little down time before lights out.  Even these small messages bring me so much joy - I catch myself smiling from ear to ear when I hear my phone beep and see a message from him.  That boy truly does make my heart soar - even with a text message.  

I found out this weekend that Jon may also get special privileges to leave base on Sundays in the upcoming weeks and since his basic training location was changed unexpectedly from Fort Sill, OK, to Fort Benning, GA, I may get the opportunity to go see him for the day!!!  We never thought this would happen, especially during basic training.  I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up too much but in all honesty, I AM COMPLETELY JAZZED!  All I keep thinking is there was/is someone watching over us, his basic training location was changed for a reason, and we are completely blessed to get this potential opportunity that we never, ever expected! 

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